SBID Industry Partners are trusted trade suppliers of interior products, solutions and services for the interior design profession. Accreditation verifies the performance, quality and craftsmanship of product offerings and demonstrates professionalism in the services provided as a widely-recognised upholder of industry standards.
As recommended suppliers for an interior designer's specification, SBID encourages its community of professional designers, buyers and specifiers to source from our database of trusted specialists.
With a range of membership options, we support industry partners by providing a package of unique membership benefits to help increase your reach, engagement and visibility among our specialist audiences.
Annual fees are listed below. You can also pay via monthly subscription.
SBID Industry Partner
Listing in Supplier Directory
Standard Promotional Package
- Editorial publishing - Newsletter & social media feature
from £600 +VAT
SBID Enhanced Industry Partner
Listing in the Supplier Directory
Event Listings & Promotion
Increased Promotional Package
- Editorial publishing - Newsletter & social media features
from £900 +VAT
SBID Platinum Industry Partner
CPD License with Directory Listings
Maximum Promotional Package
- Editorial publishing - Newsletter & social media features - Direct email invitations
from £3,200 +VAT
Are you a small to medium-sized enterprise?
Discounted industry partnership rates are offered for businesses that qualify as a SME! Get in touch to find out more.
To become an Accredited Member, all SBID Industry Partners must:
1. Supply at least 1 year of company accounts
2. Meet the SBID 5 Points of Compliance
3. Hold valid business insurance
1. Intellectual property (IP)
SBID fights piracy and copyright theft in design. We actively negotiated with government to legislate against IP theft and bad practice. Industry partners will share this commitment in the design of their products and agree to abide by our Code of Ethics.
2. Corporate Social Responsibility
SBID supports ethical manufacturing processes to ensure people and environments are not harmed in the production process of interior design goods and services. Industry partners will demonstrate their commitment to delivering corporate social responsibility.
3. Service
SBID require partners to provide quality client services throughout procurement. Industry partners will share this commitment to providing exceptional trade services for interior designers from the initial consultation and purchase order, to the delivery, installation and after sales care.
4. Sustainability
SBID endorses sustainability in all business activities and works closely with government to advance sustainable practices in the interior design profession. Industry partners will share this commitment to sustainability through developing strategies for minimising the environmental impact of operations, production processes, product use, and manufacturing.
5. Performance & Value
The functionality and performance of products and services provided by the industry partner must be of a high quality standard and be priced fairly to offer good value for money.
Alternatively you can contact us directly by emailing [email protected] or calling us on 020 7738 9383.
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Email Address
Are you? A Designer / ArchitectA Design / Architecture PracticeKBB DesignerManufacturer / SupplierInternational Manufacturer / SupplierInternational Designer / ArchitectInternational Design / Architecture PracticeContractorLecturer / EducatorGraduateOther
Our extensive database of registered trade and industry suppliers forms a specialist directory of trusted manufacturers, services and product providers for the interior design industry.
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Accreditation distinguishes interior design experts from unregulated providers, equipping members with exclusive industry offers, networking, tools and training necessary for success.
Discover a calendar of networking and engagement events for the interior design community. From annual trade shows, conferences and design festivals, to upcoming CPD learning opportunities.
Find out more about our flexible membership structure.
By subscribing, you agree to be added to SBID’s mailing list. As an industry’s standard bearer organisation, we strive to bring you the most up to date news and access to exclusive industry content through our various newsletters.
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