Find out more:
We are the Society of British Interior Designers company number 08572889 incorporated in England, whose registered office is at 1 Kings Avenue, London N21 3NA *Incorporated as a member organisation whose Accredited British members access through its secretariat SBID Global registered company number 15278299 whose registered office is also 1 Kings Avenue, London N21 3NA and registered for VAT purposes with number GB456671758.
The documents of the Society of British Interior Designers can be inspected at 10 Molasses Row, Plantation Wharf, London, SW11 3UX.
The names of the Directors of Society of British Interior Designers are Vanessa Brady OBE and Lavinia Engleman.
Society of British Interior Designers is a limited company registered in England.
Society of British Interior Designers has a paid-up share capital of 100 shares.
We are also registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office as a data controller Registration number: ZA060171
Collecting Data
We collect information from you in the following ways:
- through our websites, including forms and cookies (please refer to the relevant cookie notice for further details)
- contact via our main and mobile phone system
- email, post and mail correspondence with us
- our social media channels
- information we gather via events
- application and request forms by email or post
- in-person contacts with SBID employees, members, affiliates, team representatives and contracted personnel
- information we receive from external third parties.
Whenever we collect personal data from you, we will give you the opportunity to opt-in or out of certain data uses.
You can choose how you send information to us but be aware that some methods are not secure. If you’re unsure how you should send confidential data to us, please contact us and we may be able to help you.
We regularly review our processing and, where necessary, update our documentation and our privacy information for you.
We collect information from you for the purpose of providing targeted information. This information may include:
- Personal details
- Contact details and preferences
- Payment details
- Family, lifestyle
- Photographic ID
- Membership details
- Details of complaints
- Financial details
- Education and employment details.
Details may include name, contact details, membership ID numbers, nationality, date of birth, dates of affiliation, membership status or fellowship [and details of SBID exam results], including course results, payments, queries and complaints.
We also process sensitive classes of information that may include:
- social circumstances
- physical or mental health details
- racial or ethnic origin
- criminal records
Details may include medical certificates, proof of income and details of supporting mitigating circumstances.
IP addresses
If you visit our website, we collect information about the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of your device used to access the site which helps us monitor the level of activity and the service we provide. For more information, please see our website cookies notice.
This informational data database collection system captures and provides limited information about every computer device that establishes a WAN connection and downloads the provided data via a TCP protocol. While the physical computer location of the specified IP addresses might not be exact due to database variations, it provides a valid reference resource for personal or business investigation when a particular IP or host requires further study. An exact location of the connecting individuals or computer networks can be further tracked to the end user with presence of a police warrant that allows any particular ISP to release the necessary for law enforcement identification information about a specific individual or business entity utilising a single or a range of IP addresses with a malicious purpose.
Where will my data be stored?
SBID has a central information systems provider located within the European Economic Area (EEA) and accessed by SBID customer services teams. We process information within the EEA but may also transfer data outside of EEA to our suppliers as part of our operations and service delivery. Other teams within SBID may need to access, use and store your data in certain circumstances for the purposes listed above, e.g. to communicate with you in relation to training or examinations or to investigate incidents or complaints.
If you are an overseas member or student, your information may be accessed by SBID’s national office in your country and records may be maintained locally (subject to local legislation).
Some of our partners or service providers, or technology vendors may pass information outside of the EEA into jurisdictions where privacy laws, obligations and rights may vary. For such transfers, we will always ensure that appropriate assurance checks and measures are put in place to protect your privacy and we will also point this out to you in specific privacy notices for that product or service, if applicable.
How do I keep my information up to date and accurate?
Please note that it is your responsibility to inform us of any change to your contact details during your studentship or membership with SBID and to keep us informed of which recognised courses you have attended to satisfy ongoing CPD requirements, this should be kept up to date, at your leisure, on your profile within SBIDpro.
If you don’t have a SBIDpro portal account you can always contact us via your Account Manager.
How will SBID collect the information?
We will collect data directly from you (for example from registration forms, change of details forms, at expos, trade shows, events and via our website) and will create some data internally (e.g. when we assign you an SBID membership ID or determine examination results).
Where we collect information, whether that be via websites, telephone, or manual forms we will provide at the point of collection a more tailored and specific privacy notice pointing out the relevant information for that product or service and justifying why the collection is necessary.
We may also collect some data from external sources. For example:
- Employers and learning providers may provide SBID with relevant information on members and students employed by and/or training with them, including where they are registering you for a course accredited by SBID.
- SBID service providers (e.g. examiners and invigilators) will send SBID information relevant to the service they are providing
- The general public may provide information to SBID in relation to complaints and/or investigations.
Will my data be given to anyone else?
We will only use your data for the purpose set out or we will ask for your consent.
Service Providers
SBID use several third-party service providers in order to carry out the activities described above, for example, to send you mailings or operate or administer exams. SBID requires such service providers to use your personal data only for the purpose of the relevant service.
Joint Scheme Partners & other Professional Bodies
In some countries, SBID operates joint qualification schemes with third parties. Both SBID and the joint scheme and other professional bodies will need to share information with each other in order to operate the scheme.
Event Sponsors
SBID may organise events, such as webinars, CPD sessions, conferences and career days which may be sponsored by other organisations or partners, and in order to administrate these events we may share your personal information with these sponsors.
SBID Examination Adjudication Partner
Certain information, such as your name and examination results, will be shared with employers and learning providers who receive this service, subject to obtaining your consent.
Learning Provider Results Service
Some recognised and accredited degree providers subscribe to an SBID ‘results service' under which they may access examination results of the students they have trained in order to monitor their pass rate performance. Your learning provider is required to inform you separately if they use your data in this way. Other learning providers may be provided with your student results, where you have given them your consent to do so.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Accredited Employers
SBID may liaise with employers who are accredited for CPD purposes to verify your employment with them and/or to validate their accreditation as a CPD provider.
General Public
SBID will publish customer information in its members' directory and a register relating to design accreditations in the future. We may also include details of our affiliates and members (including names and the country that they are in) within lists to be published within appropriate publications, such as the Financial Times in the UK, and similar overseas publications. In addition, disciplinary hearings and outcomes may be made public.
Verification of Details and Employment Assistance
If you are a student, affiliate or a member, subject to obtaining your consent, we may provide relevant details to recruitment agencies, employers and educational or professional bodies (e.g. other design bodies recognised by SBID) for the purposes of assisting you to find appropriate employment once qualified. We will also provide information relating to verification of membership, training and qualification details.
Professional Advisers, Regulatory and Legal Authorities
SBID may disclose your personal data to its professional advisers, legal authorities, other professional bodies, other regulators or other third parties, in order to investigate complaints and disciplinary matters, to exercise or defend its legal rights or otherwise, where required by law. .