The SBID Interior Design Directories feature our extensive network of approved and accredited interior designers and suppliers across the residential and commercial sectors. These specialist trade directories form a unique professional destination to help you connect with design professionals for your projects, source verified industry suppliers for specification, or discover valuable opportunities for advanced industry learning and training.
Want to feature in our directories? Click here to become an Accredited member.
If you've been searching “interior designers near me” to no avail, the Designer Directory can help you find the right professional for the job. Browse our network of accredited interior designers, or tailor your search to match your requirements. By using interior design services of an SBID-registered interior designer, you’ll receive the best quality of service - not only are they committed to upholding industry standards, they have the expertise your project demands.
The CPD Directory is a specialist library of approved industry learning opportunities for interior designers in practice. Designed to aid training and development, our Accredited CPD Programme provides a database of educational events, webinars, materials and activities to help you improve designs, refine your technical knowledge, enhance specification expertise, advance business skills and engage with the industry as a practicing professional.
The Supplier Directory assists designers in sourcing trusted trade professionals, manufacturers, product suppliers and service providers for the interior design sector. As essential partners in project procurement, SBID Industry Partners are recommended for the highest standards of conduct and craftsmanship, so designers can safely specify materials, FF&E solutions and fit-out services to ensure high quality designs, correct installations and expert advice.
Discover more about SBID Accreditation for interior design industry professionals.
SBID Accreditation is a marque of achievement that demonstrates the highest level of professional competence defined by knowledge, training and work experience for best practice. Becoming a SBID-accredited interior designer allows qualified design professionals to prosper lucratively in their craft.
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Accreditation distinguishes interior design professionals with a standard of expertise that separates qualified specialists from unregulated providers, equipping members with the tools they need for success.
The Code of Conduct is a statement of principles and expectations governing the behaviour of members in their professional conduct. Members are expected to act at all times with integrity, honesty and objectivity.
Find out more about our flexible membership structure.
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