16th December 2009 | IN SUSTAINABILITY & WELLBEING | BY SBID Share Tweet Pinterest LinkedIn World Leaders on policy change and decision making for climate control have gathered at Copenhagen for the beginning of climate change discussion and negotiation. Is this a serious intention to change omissions or is it a political step for a networking opportunity, is it a case of be there or be shamed? … and once there, what will really happen, will there be a lot of back slapping or is it simply lip service? £6Billion is currently spent per annum in UK on household ‘green goods’ which compares to an overall British wealth of £9 trillion. Last week I had lunch with the Chairman of the government energy body for Britain, he explained in depth the percentage of rate savings within buildings ratios and the focus by government on saving 50% of current outputs by 2016 alongside techniques to achieve it. I have to say I was surprised. Further info will be on the website when released. UK also has a carbon omission law coming into force in April 2010 which will affect all commercial buildings, the law will require all buildings to reduce their carbon output and in doing so a substantial sum of money will be spent by tenants and landlords alike to achieve the targets. Yes, business is generated and created so maybe this is a way to jumpstart the economy or maybe it’s just putting a marker in the sand, either way its making things happen so in principal that’s good isn’t it? Cynics may think it is not a time to further burden business owners. The UN Environment Programme created in partnership with major rating tools devised a method to measure carbon emissions from buildings in a consistent way. On Friday 18th I have a meeting with Simon Cavelle, Vice President of The Society and a colleague from the United Nations. The Society will announce a humanitarian initiative at our first Conference 2010 (see www.sbid.org for further news)