SBID is Designed for Business™ - the annual reports overview our latest endeavors and achievements, as well as share future ambitions and key activities that will endeavor to grow and improve our business, as well as the industry as whole; to keep the interior design sector relevant and evolving as a key influencer of the creative industries.

Previous Reports

SBID Annual Report 2022©

SBID Annual Report 2021©

SBID Annual Report 2020©

SBID Annual Report 2018/19©

SBID Annual Report 2017©

SBID Annual Report 2016©

SBID Annual Report 2015©

SBID Annual Report 2014©

SBID Annual Report 2013©

SBID Annual Report 2012©
Explore SBID

Professional Body
The SBID champion best practice and knowledge sharing in the profession of interior design by creating routes to market in the industry for all design professionals.

SBID Board & Directors
Collectively we have the experience, ability and tenacity to create a valued industry voice locally, nationally and around the world.

SBID Partnerships
On behalf of its members and partners, the SBID has protected, promoted and celebrated the interior design profession through its activities and collaborations.