Whether it’s noticed outright or if the positive effects of good interior design are simply unconsciously felt, there are a host of reasons why it’s so important to focus on the inside of your home or workplace.
Interior design holds the power to completely transform a space from somewhere dull, dreary and uninspiring, to somewhere relaxing, energetic or motivating. Too often we don’t realise quite how much of a positive impact it can have on our daily lives – and is something most people don’t even think about – yet it can really amplify your experiences and benefit your mental health in many ways.
Here we explore just why interior design is so important in our lives and why it is so integral to our wellbeing.
It makes a space better suited for purpose
No matter if you’ve recently purchased a new art studio, a shop, house or something else, the initial appearance may differ totally from what you envisage and the space may not serve its intended purpose.
It could be that you have found the perfect property in the perfect location, but the vibe of the interior is far from what you need or where you want to spend time. With some clever interior design tricks and practices you can curate a space that is inviting and inspiring, as well as perfectly suited for you and the purposes you require! The right blend of space planning with furnishings, lighting, colours, accessories and accents will really transform it into usable and functional environment that truly maximises its potential.
The use of colour can affect how you feel
Colours and their impact on our emotions are closely entwined and can make a real difference in the way you feel when using a space. By working with cleverly executed colours, the design scheme can significantly impact the mood of a room.
Warm colours tend to make you feel higher arousal emotions such as happiness, anger or love whereas cooler colours like green, blue or purple are designed to make you feel calm or maybe even sad. Light neutral colours can make you feel more peaceful and also open up a room, which is great for creating the illusion of more space in smaller properties. This can all positively impact your mental health and improve your wellbeing if the right colours are specified to achieve the desired effect.
It helps you put a personal stamp on somewhere
If you have just moved somewhere, you want it to feel your own – which is what interior design can do. It is the process of gathering together your treasured belongings with those that complement and enhance them – this allows you to really identify with a space and express your personality.
Through the use of different heights of objects, textures, colours and patterns you can put a personal stamp on your home or workspace, evoking positive emotions and making it somewhere that you really want to spend your time. The more personalised and well-decorated a space is, the happier and calmer you will feel using it. You will feel more motivated to go to a space that aligns with you and feels welcoming every time you step through the door.
These are just a few reasons that show just why interior design is so integral to our wellbeing and personal enjoyment of a space.
To find out more about the interior design industry and how to join The Society of British & International Interior Design, get in touch with us on our website or find an interior designer today.